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春天之美 合歡山北峰賞杜鵑
3/31/2014 2:40:34 AM
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搭森鐵遊步道 來阿里山賞螢
3/30/2014 10:12:33 PM
日本櫻花季 泡溫泉兼啖螃蟹
3/30/2014 9:47:12 PM
??????????????????5?????,????????Dormy Inn,?????????;??????????????;??????????????;?????????????????????????21,900?,?????????????????????
里佳藍色部落 星星相螢拚觀光
3/30/2014 10:00:00 PM
楝樹、流蘇 綻放春季之美
3/31/2014 4:35:35 AM
????????????????,????????????????????,???????????,????????????????,????,????,????,???????????????,??????,?????????,???????????(African Tulip Tree),????????????????1????????????????,???????????????
插秧倒退嚕 孩童東倒西歪
3/30/2014 10:00:00 PM
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